ERAI web-portal online event survey


Over the 2020, we have observed supply-chain breakdowns amid restrictions and regulations that were introduced to combat the global pandemic. This has led to structural alterations of the trans-Eurasian logistics industry and rail transport getting in the spotlight for its stability and competitive pricing.

Currently, there are many trends that continue shaping up the industry and we are keen to find out what you consider the most crucial topics in trans-Eurasian logistics today. Subsequently, we would like to kindly ask you to complete our short questionnaire:

Based on the questionnaire’s results we would organize a tailored online event, which will allow you to gain insights into the topics that are of interest to you. Please follow the ERAI web-portal for future updates regarding the questionnaire results and the upcoming online events.

In case you have not yet subscribed to our newsletter and updates you could do so by following the link:

Analytics on topic
The Eurasian Railway Route: Prospects for Exports from Russia to China

In 2022, the Russian transport administration faces unprecedented logistics challenges: massive trade restructuring prompted by restrictive sanctions has necessitated urgent operational decisions to combine different routes through friendly and neutral countries. The biggest changes are expected in cargo turnover with Russia’s largest trading partners — the European Union and China

Defining the future of freight transport
The aim of the LEVITATE project is to develop a new impact assessment framework to enable policymakers to manage the introduction of connected and automated transport systems, maximise the benefits and utilise the technologies to achieve long-term visions and goals. An essential part of this work seeks to forecast societal level impacts of connected and automated transport systems (CATS). These include impacts on safety, environment, economy and society.